Wednesday, August 22, 2007

cravings... blame it on my monthly hormone changes

I'm craving for fish and chips.. with malt vinegar and salt.. oh ketchup too. I'm craving for pickled cockles too. oh and sushi! lol yes blame it on my monthly hormone changes...

Anyway, in the news today, i saw that china is campaigning against people spitting on the street. They would go around the city and whenever they would see someone spit, the campaigners would politely ask them to wipe their spit and put it in the trashbin nearby. Of course, explaining why they should be doing that. They even had testimonial videos of people "giving up" spitting. At least someone is doing this how i wish that someone here in manila would do that. Not only men spit but also women. I've seen uncivilized women spit and it's so horrible. Not only they are a disgrace to themselves but to the rest of the women. They've just degraded the nature of what women are.

If people can clean their house and themselves, why can't they practice it outside of their house? What happened to the saying, "if your room is not clean, then your underwear must be dirty." If that's the case then we can declare that there is no absolute civility among people living in the society. We pay taxes to help make our society better but yet, it's also us damaging the society slowly. Anyway...moving on

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