Saturday, August 18, 2007

Love and Pain.. in the same sense at the same time.. yes it's possible

Being in a relationship is wonderful. Having someone to share your life with apart from your family and friends is one of the most wonderful feeling anyone could have. Currently, I'm in a same sex long distance relationship. I have had relationships before my current one however, this one is my first longest relationship and the most serious of all. It's been more than a year now. I wondered how we were able to manage our relationship despite the stress of being so physically distant from each other.

Someone has said that "abscence makes the heart grow fonder." It is true especially when two people fight. The best thing for the both of them is to not see each other to clear things up and then everything will be fine. Also, spending every minute with each other can be so unhealthy. In relation to long distance relationship, sometimes, a very long absence can lead to pain and confusion. As what my partner has said, "We're so close and great together but painful when we come to realize that we're not really together." I am just fortunate that my partner has not suggested it to be an open relationship because that would mean it's not only the physical part that is lacking but something else like sex or boredom.

I have had friends who would say that they can never be in a long distance relationship. Part of me understands them because of the pain that comes with it. Other part does not understand them at all because just like one of the most memorable quotes, "love conquers all".

The longest i've physically been with my partner is just one month. Sometimes I wonder if what would happen when the time comes that we will actually be together. I am sure it will be different. Not only we're sharing our space and all but we're actually going to be experiencing each others life versus, sharing our life via online or phone calls or short visits.

There's no secret really in managing a long distance relationship. I guess the general rule of thumb is that when you love, you WILL to love that person. When you fall in love, it can't be controlled but you're given a choice to give yourself or not. In my current relationship, i choose to give my wholeself to my partner because i love her.

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